Cruising Ngo Dong River

Cruising Ngo Dong River
Ladies selling their wares

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hue Construction site - Health and Safety???

By Carole Goldsmith Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved

Spotted from my hotel window in Hue, in around the middle of Vietnam ...these guys were constructing a house. Balancing on a bambool pole one guy was hammering a plank. Another guy on the ground was throwing bricks up to another guy on a bamboo pole. No scaffolding, no safety boots or other personal protective equipment - thongs and sandals were the footwear and that seemed to help the workers walk across the bamboo poles.

Some research into health and safety in the construction industry in Vietnam.



  1. Every construction company is responsible for their workers, they are not wearing safety boots because their company is not providing them safety. Government has to take action against these companies.
    asbestos training

  2. Thanks Marina, do you work in safety in Vietnam?

  3. Woah! That looks so dangerous. You know, even if they’re only building a simple house, they should still follow health and safety standards. Life is at risk when it comes to works like this, so the workers must be provided with safety gears and equipment.

    Natisha Weimer

  4. I think my biggest fear in working for a construction site safety company would be my fear of heights!
